Sunday, September 19, 2010

Reflection 4

In class we discussed the responsibility of government, to either ensure the status quo or to be a catalyst for social betterment for the citizens. However, I believe another conversation is in order, one of the responsibility of citizens to their government. In my opinion, individuals have a responsibility to their government- to be the most productive citizens they can be. This means filling the role they are best suited for, voting in all elections to ensure that politicians truly hear the voice of America and not the voice of an interest group or elitists, and abiding by the laws that our government creates. Furthermore, citizens should have the responsibility to continually analyze the standing of the nation. This means that when the general public views an general practice, action, law, or imminent movements immoral or somehow unjust, to voice their opinion in an acceptable and peaceful way.

Under founding American principles, when the general public decides that government is not living up to its expectation, citizens reserve the right to abolish it. However, our vote is the first step to avoiding an ineffective government. Citizens are able to change the face of government in such a way that people could be satisfied. With that said, citizens need to understand that unforeseen consequences of certain elections are going to arise, but understand that they can counteract these consequences. The counteracting forces again are voting in the next election, communication with an incumbent, or peaceful protest. Civil activity is key under a democratic republic. Without such activity people can only expect their governments to do “wrong”, because these governments won't truly know what is “right” by their people- unless the people speak up.

We can assume that going to school in D.C., going to a socially aware university, and most likely majoring in a field related to the political realm, that our class is and will always be civilly active. However, our education and place in society means we have a deeper rooted responsibility. We have the responsibility to stand as shining examples; voting, voicing our opinions, organizing our community, staying informed and attempting to inform others, being the voices for those who might not presently have a voice. We have been blessed to exist in this nation, and should see to it we give back more then what we receive, for when we do this it will lead to our generation and those to come receiving extraordinary benefits.

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