Tuesday, September 21, 2010

If Lady Gaga were a state, then what would the global system be like?

It seems to me like our world politics class could have an endless discussion about the organization, implementation, and repercussions of the Lady Gaga nation-state. However, I would like to note that though I adore Lady Gaga and am a devoted little monster, I honestly have no idea what she is ever thinking, and therefore love her all the more. I cannot imagine what a nation under her "rule" would be like; simply imagining the form of government it would adopt poses problems. Lady Gaga is not the kind of person to admire dictatorships, yet no one can embody Gaga like herself; would she govern as an absolute ruler? Or would she incorporate the Haus of Gaga into her governmental circle? She is an extremely outspoken individual who prizes originality and unconventionality. Would this equate to an entirely open immigration policy? Or would a future citizen of the Gaga nation-state need to meet a certain standard of creativity, tolerance, and insanity (in the best possible sense)? What would Lady Gaga require of her citizens (i.e. taxes, economic activity, social norms) or would there purposefully be no requirements at all? As an individual, both in the artistic sense of the word and in daily life, Lady Gaga embodies freedom to choose how one behaves and is perceived. Naturally she aims to please her fans, yet she began by remaining true to her personal artistic intentions, no matter how they were received by the global audience at first. This makes me wonder if she would enact that philosophy onto a nation-state and its populace, and if that implementation is wise in modern society. If we acted without any preconceived notion of social normalcy, what would the effect be? Would the world descend into chaos because of competing personalities (after all, there is only one Lady Gaga, for now), or would it rise to an elevated state of thought and awareness, where every little monster could behave without fear of reproach? I don't think we can genuinely anticipate what the result would be if Lady Gaga transferred her Gaga-ness to an entire geographic region and population, simply because she never acts in a way that is expected.

1 comment:

  1. You brought up a very interesting point in how the society could result in chaos resulting from the battle of competing personalities. I did not even think of that as a possibility. In my response, I discussed how Lady Gaga as a state would embody an idea of no social norms. Everything would be normal because there would be no such thing as different. However, now with your point, that does not seem like an ideal state of being. Maybe as constructivists suggest, we do need social norms in order to maintain stability.
