Many people talk about the “good old days,” mythical periods in history where everything seemed to be better for everyone. Usually, the people making these statements overlook an infinite amount of bad things about the past. No matter how bad things are in the present, it was probably worse earlier in history. This holds true for the existence of nation-states. The division of the world into sovereign territorial nation-states is a very good thing for the global community.
The territorial nation-states allow for a peaceable coexistence among the different communities all over the world – or as peaceable as one can expect. There are still many conflicts consisting all over the world. But generally, countries now no longer fear being invaded by more powerful countries. Since the Peace of Westphalia established the idea of sovereign territorial nation-states with non-intervention, countries can exist beside each other in more harmony than the past. Of course, there are still many, many conflicts between countries near and far from each other, but territorial sovereignty helps to quell more conflicts than it causes. Countries are now officially “recognized,” which is not a perfect system but is one that is better than in the past. Nation-state boundaries help enforce authority and autonomy because now jurisdiction has a beginning and an end.
Territorial sovereignty also helps keep culture alive in many parts of the world. Instead of one major power taking over land and making the inhabitants assimilate into their way of life, cultures are preserved. On the flip side, nationalism is fostered by the nation-states.
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